
Friday, September 20, 2013

Collected in the face of a simian

TOH generally is very calm. Calm to a point where one might think it is a medically induced calm but let me assure you that it is not. While I am snappy and generally biting heads off on a good day, TOH is more the nodding and occasionally smiling kind (sometimes at inappropriate times which is a dead giveaway that he is not listening but watching TV). 

But it really helps balance us out as a couple. Case in point:

Today afternoon, as I was reheating pasta I saw a monkey in the kitchen balcony. Not an awwww so cute kind of monkey, more like a 'damn we cannot doubt evolution' sized monkey. I of course, could immediately see a small snippet in tomorrow's paper reading "Beautiful woman killed by monkey" but I had to be strong. The kitchen balcony is where P&C live and I was not about to give them up to a monkey after investing so much TLC on them. So I called the one person who I knew will give me the right advice or also because he is first on my speed dial - TOH

Me <knowing if I panic I won't hear the end of it>: Wassup?
TOH: Just finishing lunch, you?
Me: Accha....I have a small problem
TOH: What?
Me: There is a monkey in our kitchen balcony (not telling him about P&C because I didn't want him to panic at work about our step 1 of plant to child progression)
TOH: What?
Me: There is a MONKEY <enunciating>
TOH: So?

See this is what I mean by unusually calm...anyway continuing

TOH: Is it trying to come inside the house?
Me: Of course not! That is the only thing left now for a monkey to enter our house! 
TOH: Is it looking inside?
Me <thinking WTF>: No! It is looking outside...
TOH: Ok...maybe it is just there you know...thats what monkeys do
Me: Really? <thinking wow! there is a pattern to this madness and TOH knows about this shit>
Me <deep breathing>: Maybe its just seeking shelter, you know its pouring...
TOH: Oh yeah maybe that's it. Don't worry it will go away. I am surprised I have never seen monkeys around our house before
Me: Yeah it is about as big as I am, so you might have just mistaken it for me on an unwaxed day

I am beginning to doubt that this state of imperturbable Zen is not substance induced...but yeah the monkey did go away once it stopped raining and yes TOH was right, I know! 

P.S: P&C are safe. Thank you for asking :)

P.P.S: I am sorry I couldn't take a picture of the monkey in my balcony. I didn't think it was wise to let the monkey feel it was welcome

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