
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

When life simply won't give you lemons!

We all have dirty, dark secrets that we take to our grave. I have them too. My current big secret which I am keeping from TOH - Lemons. Yes. Lemons. 

I love eating lemons. I grew up in Dubai eating these big, juicy, yellow lemons as a child. But now I live in India and all I get is limes. Now limes are good, but they are not lemons. 

Recently, I discovered lemons in a fancy supermarket nearby. Sadly, they are nearly 80 rupees a lemon. I bought one and ate the whole damn thing...with the insides and everything leaving only the rind behind. Yes, I know I will never have scurvy in this lifetime. 

But paying 80 bucks for a lemon is not on. Seriously, which sane person buys 1 lemon for 80 bucks more than once? And good luck to me trying to explain to TOH why I paid that much for a lemon. He will insist they are the same as limes and we all know they aren't. So for a while I didn't even walk in the direction of that supermarket lest I be tempted by Goddess Lemon (It HAS to be a goddess - bright yellow, sour, can give anyone a frozen jaw, definitely a woman that lemon)

Yesterday I was telling Dee about my lemon hankering. 

Me: Dee! I feel like buying a lemon. But I don't think its a smart thing to do
Dee: I think you shouldn't. Too much secretive lemon buying and you will be too house-wifey!
Me: What does that even mean?
Dee: Ahem...hiding things from husband, buying things. Very hindi serial bahu types
Me: They buy lemons?!
Dee: Well other stuff..lemons is uniquely you.
Me: I do not think I can ever convince TOH on why I desperately need a 85 rupee lemon. Damn stupid NRI upbringing!
Dee: Well...then do not buy it!

Well, I am sorry Dee. I did. I went to the supermarket and bought a lemon. I know, I know...I have a problem and till I admit it, no one can help me. 
If it makes you feel any better, my teeth are all tingly and my tongue feels weirdly grainy because of eating the damn thing in one shot. 


Lemony joy! I kid you not when I say I eat the whole damn thing!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stretchiness and load bearing

One of the biggest put offs about having kids is the process in itself. No, the trying part is fun but after that me stretching out like a balloon and having someone press down my bladder for 9 months is not something I am gung ho about. TOH is not helping either! 

Last night over dinner :

TOH: I just kept sipping on water on rocks in the cocktail party
Me: Wow, no wonder you couldn’t drive back 
TOH: I had to pee so many times, but I couldn’t look weird so I learnt to control and then go once in a while
Me: Very skilled and smooth too
TOH: I think I have a very elastic bladder
Me: Maybe you could carry our child <eyes filled with eager expectation>
TOH: What is wrong with you!
Me: C’mon! Its stretchy, elastic, bag exercise, you go to a party and sip on water...its a perfect choice. I have none of those qualities!
TOH: <Cold stare>
Me: You could be the surrogate father!
TOH: WTF! I woud be the real father why a surrogate
Me: Yes and you could carry the child as my surrogate
TOH: <Cold stare - 2>

I never knew TOH was so anti-surrogacy. Wow!

Let’s just say this whole no harm asking....maybe not such a good idea.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's a goddamn conspiracy

I am going through a tough phase in my life. You know with me being unemployed and feeling quite pathetic overall...but all of that pales in comparison to the misery that the level 29 of Candy Crush Saga is causing me! 

Seriously wtf is wrong with that level...why are there so many frosted jellies? More importantly, how can the jellies I annihilate come back! Now, there is a sentence I never thought I'd type, but life can be strange like that!

I have been stuck on this level for a week now and it is completely screwing with my head. TOH tried working on it as well but gave up and mumbled something about it being stupid. I think unlike me he doesn't have the tenacity, the single minded dedication or absolute nothingness filling his life to pursue this sort of glory. 

I finally googled for "tips to cross level 29 in candy crush saga" and here's what I found:

1) There are like a zillion blogs and forums dedicated to this which was a) heartwarming because people coming together in times of need always is and b) very disconcerting because it is a direct correlation to how unemployed people are (Maybe TIME should use the Candy Crush index to combat the Big Mac index in the Economist or they could just write! their call)

2) All the tips said "work it from the bottom first" - I know, I made me grin like an idiot too. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do

3) Youtube videos which show how to clear the level - now here is the deal with these videos, they do all the easy ones!! Seriously, I never have so many same coloured jellies or wrapped candies in the same line e v e r or even those big chocolate thingy with sprinkles are a rarity. How is it that only when Youtube plays Candy Crush all the stars (in this case jellies) align?

This only makes me think, there is nothing after level 29...its emptiness. No one has ever crossed level 29. All those people tweeting about level 68 are a part of the Candy Crush machinery to keep hope alive. It is a big fucking conspiracy...

I am sure after 10 years, Nat Geo will make a documentary on Level 29 of Candy Crush and that is when all these naysayers who lie about being in level 33 or 65 or 101 (!) will finally be caught.

Oooh 22 minutes up. Must not give up...must persevere <game face on>


Ok I did cross level 29 and move to level 30. No Nat Geo documentary after all. But one cannot be too careful these days.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Collected in the face of a simian

TOH generally is very calm. Calm to a point where one might think it is a medically induced calm but let me assure you that it is not. While I am snappy and generally biting heads off on a good day, TOH is more the nodding and occasionally smiling kind (sometimes at inappropriate times which is a dead giveaway that he is not listening but watching TV). 

But it really helps balance us out as a couple. Case in point:

Today afternoon, as I was reheating pasta I saw a monkey in the kitchen balcony. Not an awwww so cute kind of monkey, more like a 'damn we cannot doubt evolution' sized monkey. I of course, could immediately see a small snippet in tomorrow's paper reading "Beautiful woman killed by monkey" but I had to be strong. The kitchen balcony is where P&C live and I was not about to give them up to a monkey after investing so much TLC on them. So I called the one person who I knew will give me the right advice or also because he is first on my speed dial - TOH

Me <knowing if I panic I won't hear the end of it>: Wassup?
TOH: Just finishing lunch, you?
Me: Accha....I have a small problem
TOH: What?
Me: There is a monkey in our kitchen balcony (not telling him about P&C because I didn't want him to panic at work about our step 1 of plant to child progression)
TOH: What?
Me: There is a MONKEY <enunciating>
TOH: So?

See this is what I mean by unusually calm...anyway continuing

TOH: Is it trying to come inside the house?
Me: Of course not! That is the only thing left now for a monkey to enter our house! 
TOH: Is it looking inside?
Me <thinking WTF>: No! It is looking outside...
TOH: Ok...maybe it is just there you know...thats what monkeys do
Me: Really? <thinking wow! there is a pattern to this madness and TOH knows about this shit>
Me <deep breathing>: Maybe its just seeking shelter, you know its pouring...
TOH: Oh yeah maybe that's it. Don't worry it will go away. I am surprised I have never seen monkeys around our house before
Me: Yeah it is about as big as I am, so you might have just mistaken it for me on an unwaxed day

I am beginning to doubt that this state of imperturbable Zen is not substance induced...but yeah the monkey did go away once it stopped raining and yes TOH was right, I know! 

P.S: P&C are safe. Thank you for asking :)

P.P.S: I am sorry I couldn't take a picture of the monkey in my balcony. I didn't think it was wise to let the monkey feel it was welcome

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The saga of candy crush begins

It was only yesterday I discovered Candy Crush Saga...yes I have been living under a rock.  As I was staring at the bright orange loading screen, TOH couldn't keep away. Now TOH has a history of being a control freak when it comes to games. He will decline but case in point:

Me running furiously in Temple Run2 with TOH watching from the side, probably sitting on his hands so that they do not snatch the iPad away involuntarily.
TOH: Turn! turn! turn...collect the coins on the side
Me: I do not want coins, I am just running
TOH: Jump! Why aren't you jumping...atleast collect the shield!
Me: I do not want to!!
TOH: You are going to hit a tree
I crash as he predicts
TOH: Give let me run now

So the minute I installed Candy Crush there he was. We started with level 1 (WTF is the deal with that music in the background!) with the iPad on my lap and TOH playing the game. 

TOH: This is so stupid. Degradation of the human mind
Me: This is what will happen to the world, mindlessness and slow death (moving my hand to move that yellow drop in line with the other two)
TOH: Don't do that! Think strategically before making any move!
Me: Okkkkk

10 levels later:

Me: I don't see what the big deal is...its so dumb anyway. Why is everyone raving about it?
TOH: Angry birds, Temple Run and now Candy Crush...I wonder what people see in it
Me: I wonder what that chocolate candy with sprinkles does (moving hand to touch the candy)
TOH: Nooo! First lets move the blue ones...We will save that for the end. Think long term.
Me: Why are there fish flying? 
TOH: No longer will people need to measure IQ. With Google and games like can park your brains elsewhere
Me: Wow! Its 12:15...we must sleep.
TOH: One level more. Deal!

Three levels later:
TOH (packing the iPad away): You can play this tomorrow while you are at home
Me: Are you crazy? I have so much to do like I am going to play this during the day!

Today and 5 levels later:
Do any of you have lives you can share? Please...candy please? So tempted to pay 55 rupees for a new set of lives...hmmm

Deep breathing - exercise yogic control to not pay for lives on Candy Crush...think of poor children in Sudan!

Oooh 30 minutes up..Got a new life! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Do not bring your child to yoga class!

Dear Poor Judgement Lady

I understand you had an off night and now you are paying the price by lugging around that three year old wherever you go. But there are others who didn't do anything wrong (so grossly wrong that is) and so should not have to deal with your karma issues.

There are a few things that are an absolute no-no in yoga class etiquette. For example: when your head is close to the mat, you SHOULD NOT wipe your sweaty nose on it and pretend like nothing happened! <Damn right, Uncle from Chennai...I saw what you did!> Or let me see, BRINGING YOUR THREE YEAR OLD TO CLASS! Really who the fuck does that!

I get it you want to go from your MLLG (Mother looking like grandmother) status to a MILF but that is no excuse to have your three year old (with the attention span of a fruit fly) run around the class while people are trying to hug their knees and sit on an invisible chair!

And even if you did you have no choice but to bring your spawn, whatever happened to bringing books or colours or a sedative to keep the devil's incarnate down!? 

What did you think I was missing in my practice?  A three year old laughing along my side while I can barely keep myself supported on my arms? Or worse having a three year old try and balance the same pose perfectly right next me? Yeah right you tiny showoff, let me see you do this when you are 28 ! 

I willingly pay money to twist my body like a pretzel, have #fail moments and wake up absolutely sore the next day. 
What I don't pay for is your child between my legs! And I really do not want that thrown in for free.

If there is no one to help you on a day, take a break. Take your child to the park, mix vodka in your vitamin water and watch your sunshine play! Or even yoga at home. 

But please do not bring your child to yoga class.

Yours sincerely

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ninja assassin grandmom

Do you get it when people compare a baby's face to one of the 33 million Hindu gods? I don't...I cannot tell if the baby resembles the mom or the dad let alone a deity...
The other day I went to visit TOH's extended family (when TOH was in Goa - he owes me one and he knows it) and there was a baby boy. 

TOH's dad was holding the baby and there were some 20 other people in the room. Like I said, TOH's family is close - v e r y close. And suddenly, out of nowhere TOH's grandma asked me if I could see Lord Krishna in that baby's face. Now this is a trick question on so many levels - 1) The baby's mom was expectantly staring at my face waiting for me to say that all that the baby is missing a peacock feather and a flute 2) Lord Krishna is kind of a big deal in TOH's family so one cannot simply say yes and get on with life. 3) Saying no would be as bad as saying the baby resembles a pig or some such blasphemous thing.

Like any normal person I immediately dived into staring at the baby's face trying to find something to comment upon to make this nightmare go away. But other than his gummy face and drool I couldn't see a thing! I guess I stared for too long because TOH's grandma mistook my staring for interest.

She went for the jugular by asking me in front of 20 people "Doesn't this make you want one of your own?" Again a question to which there really is no answer...if I said yes I was screwed, if I said no I would be the most evil grand-daughter in-law defying the matriarch and if I let it go with smile the chances are people would assume I am already pregnant!

That grandma...old and tiny as she is, is like some ninja assassin type. One minute you are in everyone's good books and the next minute with your back flat out on the ground and all your brownie points missing.